Windsor Ward

Mesa Arizona Kimball East Stake
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Sacrament Service

Sunday, Aug 11, 2024

Presiding................Bishop Casey Goodman

Conducting...............Brother Thomas Hogle

Music Director............Sister Amanda Mason

Organist...........................Sister Ardith Varga 


Welcome & Announcements

Opening Hymn.....................................#301
I Am a Child of God

Invocation................................By invitation

Ward Business

Sacrament Hymn..................................#179
Again, Our Redeeming Lord

Administration of the Sacrament

Speaker.......................................Isla Schelin
Speaker.....................................Sister Sensor

Musical Number.................Brighten Pyburn
Room Enough for Him
acc. by Colton Dixon

Speaker.............................Griffin Yamamato
Speaker..................................Crew Glasgow

Closing Hymn.......................................#1001
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing

Benediction.................................By invitation




Windsor Ward Bishopric

Bishop.......................Bishop Casey Goodman
First Counseler............Brother Marc Jackson
Second Counseler.....Brother Thomas Hogle
Executive Sec..............Brother Jeremy Miller
Ward Clerk.....................Brother Eric Schelin

Windsor Ward Organizations
Elders Quorum....Brother Aaron Yamamoto
Relief Society...........Sister Diane Whitehead
Young Women's......... Sister Miche Whitmer
Primary.......................Sister Brandi Whitmer
Sunday School.........Brother Bryan Hamblin

Temple Recommend Appointments

Bishopric Appointments:  Sundays, right after Church
 Appointments through Brother Aaron Yamamoto

Stake Presidency Appointments:  Tuesdays 6:30 to 8:00 P.M.
Appointments through Brother Glover

Stake Presidency No Appointments:  Fast Sundays 12:00 to 3:00 P.M.
First come first served 

Are you new to Windsor Ward? 

If you are new to our ward boundaries and would like you records moved into our ward, please meet at the Clerk's Office right after Sacrament Meeting.

New Calling? 
Come to the Bishops office after the block and be set apart.

Stay Informed 
Ward / Stake Announcements & Activities
Anywhere, Anytime using your smart device

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Stake Choir Practice
Will be held Thursday, August 29th at 7:30pm at the Stake Center. We will be preparing to sing for the Adult Session of Stake Conference on Saturday September 7th.
Bring you voices, and a friend!

2024 Self Reliance Classes


Firesides & Devotionals



Gospel Study


Please join Allison Ellsworth on Tuesday mornings @ 9:30 for a deep dive into Come, Follow Me and the Book of Mormon. Class is held at the 48th Street building in the Relief Society Room. This is a great way to supplement your study of the Book of Mormon, have great discussions, and share insights with others.
Everyone is welcome! For more information, contact Allison Ellsworth @ 480.298.4463

Please join us if you can!



Book of Mormon Reading 
with the Missionaries

Every Tuesday at 7:00pm
at the Stake Center 
in the Relief Society Room


Family History


The Windsor Ward Temple and Family History Goal for 2024
Create a Celestial Windsor Ward by doing as many temple ordinances as we have members of our ward. Currently we have 411 members and we will do 411 of each ordinance: baptisms, initiatories, endowments, and sealings. Submit the ordinances you have done at: or by scanning the QR code.

Windsor Ward Temple and Family History Goal Progress

Kimball East Family History Center Hours 

Tuesday 10:00 to 12:00 
Wednesday 10:00 to 12:00   3:00 to 5:00 
Thursday 9:00 to 12:00 
Friday 9:30 to 12:00 
Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 

Youth Groups by appointment, 
Wednesday 7:00 pm. 

Youth appointment call 
Tim Wildung 602-391-4107

 To enterring the bell at the south foyer door.


Just Serve


Expand your world and JUST SERVE!

There are MANY opportunities currently listed for our area to volunteer, in person or from home.  Register with to unlock the possibilities. 

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