Sunday, May 29, 2022 Windsor Ward Sacrament Meeting and Announcements


 Windsor Ward
Mesa Arizona Kimball East Stake
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Sacrament Service
Sunday, May 29, 2022

Presiding..................Bishop Casey Goodman

Conducting...............Bishop Casey Goodman

Music Director.............Sister Aubrey McNeil

Organist............................Sister Ardith Varga

 Welcome & Announcements

Opening Hymn.......................................#339

My Country, 'Tis of Thee

Invocation..................................By Invitation

Ward Business

Speaker..............................Sister Emily Rudd

Rest Hymn................................................#60

Battle Hymn of the Republic

Speaker..................Brother Aaron Yamamoto

Sacrament Hymn....................................#170

God, Our Father, Hear Us Pray

Administration of the Sacrament

Closing Hymn.........................................#246

Onward, Christian Soldiers

Benediction................................By Invitation


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Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:
    Please click this URL to join.

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    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
        US: +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 205 6099
    Webinar ID: 947 6243 3541
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Ward Bulletin (website you can bookmark):



***  Are you new to Windsor Ward?  ***

If you are new to our ward boundaries
and would like you records moved into our ward,
please meet at the Clerk's Office
right after Sacrament Meeting.


Do you ever wish you could maximize your study 

of Come, Follow Me? 

Do you wish you could find a better way to
apply the principles to your life? 

Many of us have hopped on one podcast 

or another to deepen our understanding of 

Come Follow Me and the Scriptures,
and those are lovely. 

But did you know that we have our own
Gospel discussion leader in the
Kimball East Stake? 

Here are four reasons why 

you should join Allison Ellsworth
on Tuesday mornings

 from 9:30 until 10:30
at the 48th Street chapel:

One: Unlike a podcast, you get to
          participate with your own

       insights and questions.

Two: You receive the value of other’s

                 faith promoting experiences.

 Three: You don’t need to wear a dress

    or a suit or a mask!

Four: Who doesn’t need another 

                     opportunity to feel the Spirit?!?!

Please join us if you can!



Book of Mormon Reading
with the Missionaries!

Every Tuesday at 7:00pm
at the Stake Center
in the Relief Society Room


Please sign up to have the sister missionaries in your home for a meal and a lesson. Our ward is in charge of the 16th to the 31st of every month.  
Contact Aleah Jackson to sign up. Her number is 480-702-2510. 
You can also sign up here with the link below.!/showSignUp/10c0e4fa8a82aa1f8c16-sister1


   Please email any announcements to the
Windsor Ward Bulletin email -


Primary Assignments

May 29 - Talk (Jr) - Ariana Nunez
                Talk (Sr) - Colbie Warren
                 Script/AOF (Jr) -  Della Goodman
                 Script/AOF (Sr) - Sariah Stant
                 Prayer (Sr) - Leah Catlin

June 5 -   Primary Presidency/Bishopric
                 Prayer (Sr) - Gabby Platt

June 12 - Talk (Jr) - Kallen Warren
                Talk (Sr) - Trenton Warren
                Script/AOF (Jr) - Joe Hogle
                Script/AOF (Sr) - Courtney Anderson
                Prayer (Sr) - Austin Riese

June 19 - Talk (Jr) - Bradley Allen
                Talk (Sr) - Daxton Dixon
                 Script/AOF (Jr) - Ashton Kemper
                 Script/AOF (Sr) - Kate Clelland
                 Prayer (Sr) - Eleanor Robinson

June 26 - Talk (Jr) - Noah Lloyd
                 Talk (Sr) - Lindi Goodman
                 Script/AOF (Jr) - Ellie Sabotka
                 Script/AOF (Sr) - Isla Schelin
                 Prayer (Sr) - Henry Blaylock


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