Windsor Ward

Mesa Arizona Kimball East Stake
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Sacrament Service

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Presiding................Bishop Casey Goodman

Conducting.............Bishop Casey Goodman

Music Director..............Sister Rylynn Dixon

Organist..........................Sister Ardith Varga 


Welcome & Announcements

Opening Hymn...................................#83

Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah

Invocation...............................By invitation

Ward Business

Sacrament Hymn.................................#193

I Stand All Amazed

Administration of the Sacrament

Speaker..........................Sister Tava Udall

Rest Hymn..........................................#224

I Have Work Enough to Do

Speaker...................Sister Brooke Barentine

Closing Hymn........................................#130

Be Thou Humble

Benediction................................By invitation




Windsor Ward Bishopric

Bishop.......................Bishop Casey Goodman
First Counseler...................Brother Dan Allen
Second Counseler..........Brother Mark Arroyo
Executive Sec.........Brother Aaron Yamamoto
Ward Clerk...............Brother Robert Chappell

Windsor Ward Organizations
Elders Quorum...............Brother Brent Lloyd
Relief Society............Sister Diane Whitehead
Young Women's.....................Miche Whitmer
Primary..................................Brandi Whitmer
Sunday School........................Bryan Hamblin

Temple Recommend Appointments

Bishopric Appointments:  Sundays, right after Church
 Appointments through Brother Aaron Yamamoto

Stake Presidency Appointments:  Tuesdays 6:30 to 8:00 P.M.
Appointments through Brother Glover

Stake Presidency No Appointments:  Fast Sundays 12:00 to 3:00 P.M.
First come first served 




The Kimball East Stake has the privilege of hosting

the Giving Machines in downtown Gilbert

 Friday December 15th

We encourage you to take your family and invite friends and neighbors that day. There is an amazing spirit of Christ-like giving to be experienced at the giving machines. This is sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Humanitarian department, linked to many local and other charities reaching around the world.

There is a limited opportunity to serve as hosts on our assigned day in 3-hour shifts, 9am to noon, noon to 3, 3 to 6, and 6 to 9. If you are interested in serving, please contact Brian Tooley. The requirements to serve is 18 and older and no children to be with you during your hosting time. There will be a brief training a few days prior.

We are also looking for groups or individuals to perform (sing) at brief intervals during the last two shifts. If interested, please contact Brian Tooley.

Are you new to Windsor Ward? 

If you are new to our ward boundaries and would like you records moved into our ward, please meet at the Clerk's Office right after Sacrament Meeting.

New Calling? 

Come to the Bishops office after the block and be set apart.

Feed the Missionaries

Please sign up to have the sister missionaries in your home for a meal and a lesson. Our ward is in charge of the 16th to the 31st of every month.  
Contact Aleah Jackson to sign up. Her number is 480-702-2510. 
You can also sign up here with the link below.!/showSignUp/10c0e4fa8a82aa1f8c16-sister1

Stay informed 
Ward / Stake Announcements & Activities
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Firesides & Devotionals


Single Adult Firesides

There will not be a Single Adult fireside on December 24, 2023.  But we will start them up again on January 28, 2024.

We hope to see you at these inspiring events.



Gospel Study


Do you ever wish you could maximize your study of Come, Follow Me?

 Do you wish you could find a better way to apply the principles to your life? 

Many of us have hopped on one podcast or another to deepen our understanding of Come Follow Me and the Scriptures, and those are lovely. But did you know that we have our own Gospel discussion leader in the Kimball East Stake? Here are four reasons why you should join Allison Ellsworth on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 until 10:30 at the 48th Street chapel:

One: Unlike a podcast, you get to participate with your own insights and questions. 

Two: You receive the value of other’s faith promoting experiences

Three: You don’t need to wear a dress or a suit. 

Four: Who doesn’t need another opportunity to feel the Spirit?!?!

Please join us if you can!



Book of Mormon Reading 
with the Missionaries

Every Tuesday at 7:00pm
at the Stake Center 
in the Relief Society Room


Family History


Kimball East Family History Center Hours 

Tuesday 10:00 to 12:00 
Wednesday 10:00 to 12:00   3:00 to 5:00 
Thursday 9:00 to 12:00 
Friday 9:30 to 12:00 
Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 

Youth Groups by appointment, 
Wednesday 7:00 pm. 

Youth appointment call 
Tim Wildung 602-391-4107

 To enterring the bell at the south foyer door.


Goal 500 Drive


Thank you so much for the many donations you have contributed so far. The response has been amazing! If you haven't had a chance yet to donate, there are still plenty of opportunities. We are boxing all the donated items on December 2nd, so we would like to finish collecting on November 25th.

We are most in need of the following items:

  • toothbrushes
  • toothpaste
  • disposable diapers
  • baby wipes
  • sanitary pads
  • adult diapers

Thanks again for all your help!

MAKES Relief Society Presidency


Last year, we did the GOAL 500 DRIVE for Pakistan, which was an overwhelming success. We collected over 120 boxes of clothing items, shoes, diaper bags, beanies, and note cards. This project involved many people from our surrounding community, and we hope to have the same success this year.

Please join us as we launch this year’s GOAL 500 DRIVE for JORDAN.

As of September 2023 – Jordan is inundated with Syrian Refugees, and the lack of international support has now put millions of people homeless and without the basic essentials to live (no running or drinking water, food, shelter, medical supplies, personal care items, and the list goes on.

They are in desperate need of clothes, blankets, hygiene supplies, school supplies and the list goes on.  They have been living in make shift camps for 10-12 years with no toilets and make shift shelter.

Speaking before the UN General Assembly, King Abdullah said Jordan has exceeded its capacity to accommodate and provide for nearly 1.4 million Syrian refugees, almost half of whom are under the age of 18.

“Jordan's capacity to deliver necessary services to refugees has surpassed its limits,” he said.

Syrians, the world's largest forcibly displaced population, are fleeing the country or living in makeshift camps. Helping Hand Middle East North Africa (MENA) office in Jordan has provided humanitarian assistance to roughly 1 million Syrian refugees since 2012. Ten years later, an estimated 5.6 million Syrian refugees require humanitarian relief.

“Syrian, and Palestinian refugees' live under occupation and have no civil rights, freedom of mobility, or say in their lives.

Forcible displacement due to persecution, conflict, violence, and human rights violations have devastated the lives of 79.5 million people. Helping Hand is doing its part to support these refugee populations, especially the orphans and their families who have escaped war and persecution from their home countries.

Your support can make a lasting impact. Generations are being born into this continuous struggle; we must ensure their lives are better than their parents.

Therefore, this year, our GOAL 500 DRIVE – will be focused on helping, and supporting Jordan and the Syrian/Palestinian Refugees. 

Please go to the JUST SERVE.ORG website. Click on Organizations and put in Helping Hand. There you will find all the GOAL 500 Projects that are listed. Or pickup a Flyer with the QR Code which will take you right to the webpage listing the projects.


Each Saturday, October 7th – December 2nd we will be at the Stake Center from 9:00 am – 11:00 am collecting the donated items.

December 2nd will be the final Saturday to sort and box for Helping Hand to come collect the donated items.


Mother Theresa said: “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” "Prayer in action is love, love in action is service." — Mother Teresa.

She stressed the need to love the poor, the suffering, and the unwanted as a route to peace"The poor must know that we love them, that they are wanted. They themselves have nothing to give but love.



Just Serve


Feeling isolated at home due to:
Excessive heat
Young children
Poor health
Nothing to do

Expand your world and JUST SERVE!

There are MANY opportunities currently listed for our area to volunteer from home.  Register with to unlock the possibilities. 

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